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Metrology Laboratory

→ For all requests for initial tests, please fill this form: MLab initial tests request

Availability of spare instruments

→ Contact the Metrology Laboratory at help-atc@lsce.ipsl.fr

The main tasks of the ATC Metrology Laboratory are:

For all requests for initial tests, please fill this form: MLab initial tests request.

Hereafter, we present the main tests conducted on all the GHG instruments for ICOS, extracted of Yver Kwok, C., Laurent, O., Guemri, A., Philippon, C., Wastine, B., Rella, C. W., Vuillemin, C., Truong, F., Delmotte, M., Kazan, V., Darding, M., Lebègue, B., Kaiser, C., Xueref-Rémy, I., and Ramonet, M.: Comprehensive laboratory and field testing of cavity ring-down spectroscopy analyzers measuring H2O, CO2, CH4 and CO, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3867–3892, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-8-3867-2015, 2015.

Testing descriptions: